The Growing Problem of the Lottery
In a new book, historian Jesse Cohen explores the remarkable growth of the lottery since its introduction in the seventeenth century. He argues that it isn’t just the size of its prizes that has grown, but also the amount of money spent on it and how many people are involved. The expansion of the lottery has been driven by both the public’s growing awareness that there is plenty of money to be made in gambling and a desperate need for state revenues, which have been falling due to inflation and the cost of wars.
When lotteries first emerged, he writes, they were seen as a way to avoid taxes. This seemed especially true in states with large social safety nets, which could use more funds without imposing onerous burdens on the working and middle classes. But this arrangement gradually eroded, in part because inflation made it difficult to keep pace with the cost of government services and in part because a burgeoning population was straining available resources. By the nineteen sixties, it was clear that state governments would have to either raise taxes or cut services – and both were unpopular with voters.
During the nineteen seventies, state lotteries began to expand rapidly. This was fueled by innovations in the form of scratch-off tickets and other instant games, which offered lower prize amounts but still relatively high odds (on the order of 1 in 4). In most cases, these smaller prizes made up only about 20% of total lottery proceeds, with the rest going to expenses, profits, and a percentage for the organizers.
The result was that lotteries became a vital source of revenue for state governments, allowing them to increase their range of services while maintaining lower tax rates than they would otherwise have had to impose. But this expansion of the industry has also produced its own set of issues. Lotteries have been accused of deceptive advertising, inflating the value of winnings, and failing to explain that most winners never win.
Another issue with the lottery is that the winners are often not well-equipped to handle large sums of money. This is because most of the time, winners are given their winnings in a lump sum, which can be very tempting for anyone who wants to get rid of debt or make significant purchases. But this kind of windfall requires careful financial management, and it is essential to consult financial experts before making any major decisions. This is particularly true if the winner wants to maintain their lifestyle after receiving their prize money. Having all your money at once might seem like an ideal solution, but it can quickly be wiped out by unwise spending or investments. A more sensible option is to take out a structured payment plan, which offers the winner steady payments over a certain period of time. This will prevent the winner from losing their winnings to taxes, investments, or spending. It is also a much safer option for those who are not used to dealing with large amounts of money.